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  • hunter star
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March 1, 2025
Binding chosen................. from Exuberant Color

When I saw my binding choices from yesterday in daylight I decided the rosy one was leaning toward purple.  I went through 2 stacks of batiks and came up with these two new choices.

This one was the winner.  I named this quilt shimmering fish and the setting triangles look like water ripples.  I decided this aqua and green batik would carry that feeling of water the best.

I got it sewn on and started the hand stitching.  Some of the setting triangles are blue but none of them made it into this photo.  I will spend the day today ...

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April 4, 2022
Hunter Star Blocks Have a Hidden Treasure from If These Threads Could Talk

I am teaching a Zoom class for Beginner Hunter Star on May 28, 2022. As an introduction to I wanted to talk about Deb Tucker’s book Hidden Treasures. This book offers quilters over 30 projects to choose from. Finished quilts are a generous lap size. All the projects in this book are made using the Rapid Fire Hunter Star Petite tool.


Hidden Treasures is intended to be a design play book. All the quilts are made using the 7” block size option, and the simplest two color variation where half the pieces are dark value and half are light ...

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January 14, 2022 from Living Water Quilter

Hunter and Lemoyne Stars Made EasyYes, we can make our favorite quilt blocks, the hunter and lemoyne...

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August 30, 2020
Hunter Star, shimmering lake with fish............... from Exuberant Color

The Hunter Star quilt top is sewn together now.  Normally the Hunter Star blocks would be turned 4 different directions and placed together to make a star.  In this one every block is in the same position plus they are on point.  I'm really happy with the streaky multi-color batik that I used for the setting triangles.  It carries on the lake theme with ripples and reflections.  I see mostly light color fish and only a few dark ones.  I also see a pattern that resembles houndstooth checks.  Mostly however I see a finished top before the end of ...

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August 28, 2020
3 long rows added............. from Exuberant Color

 I sewed three more rows and added them to the corner sewn the day before.  I also cut the 2 top corner triangles.  Since I had 8 blocks leftover I decided to change a few of the right end blocks to ones with a lighter fabric on the right.  I had several blocks that didn't have a lot of contrast between the light and dark side in the layout previously.  You can go back to yesterday's post to see that.  I may still move a couple blocks before I sew the next rows together.  There are 7 more ...

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August 27, 2020
Setting triangles......... from Exuberant Color

I decided it was time to make a decision on the setting triangles for the Hunter Star fish quilt.  This multi-color streaky batik was my favorite when I showed several choices.  I decided to get brave and cut the squares and cut them twice diagonally and that would give me the streaks the long way for top and bottom triangles and the short way for the side triangles.  I still need to cut the corner triangles.

I decided to get a start on sewing last night so I sewed the first three rows together.  I'll do a few rows ...

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August 15, 2020
Searching for fabrics........... from Exuberant Color

 I started looking through the blue fabrics for setting triangle choices and saw a streaky stripe and thought that might work.  I ended up finding 4 of them.  Then I went to the pile of mottles and found the gray one on the right.

Close up of the 2 on the right.

Close up of the three on the left.

Then I thought why not take out the center seam on the 8 leftover blocks and use them to fill in the sides.  Then I just have to figure out what to do to fill in the top and bottom.

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August 14, 2020
Focus worked!.......... from Exuberant Color

When I went down to the basement studio yesterday morning I had the bow tie blocks on my mind.  As I started cleaning off one of the cutting tables I glanced up at the design wall and this little piece was up there.  (Here is a post where I was starting to make the center section.)  Hmm, I wonder if the small bow ties will work with it?  I took it upstairs and tried it and thought yes, I like it.  But there are 2 different kinds of corners because there is an uneven number of blocks.
So, I flipped ...

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July 24, 2020
Hunter star again........ from Exuberant Color


Here are the two previous Hunter Star quilt tops that I have made, 2 traditional layouts.  I guess that is why I had the question yesterday, which layout with my new blocks.

I loved all of your opinions yesterday and I'm still undecided.  I could do the traditional layout on point too which would make a larger quilt than it would be in a straight layout with just the 91 blocks I have already made.  Meanwhile I will take the blocks off the design wall so I can vacuum the basement.

A friend surprised me with a dessert from ...

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July 23, 2020
Which layout is best?.............. from Exuberant Color

Do you see dark fish swimming left and light fish swimming right?  I see some of them and in other places not so much.  I have 91 Hunter Star blocks sewn and had on my note I need 130 to make a quilt the size I wanted.  I decided to try them on point to see if I could finish a quilt with the number I have made.  Below is the previous layout from 2019 which needs the 39 more blocks.  As much as I liked it back then, I'm not as fond of it now.

I'm so ...

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June 3, 2020
Anticipation from If These Threads Could Talk

Brittany & Jonathon, this is for you in celebration & “anticipation” of the arrival of your daughter!

This is a Hunter Star Quilt from Deb Tucker’s Book “Hidden Treasures”.

Hidden Treasures offers over 30 projects to choose from.  Finished quilts are a generous lap size.  All the projects in this book are made using the Rapid Fire Hunter Star Petite tool.  This book is intended to be a design play book.  All the quilts are made using the 7” block size option, and the simplest two color variation where half the pieces are dark value and half are light value pieces ...

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  • hunter star
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